A unique thrift and resale store in Historic Downtown
Our Mission is to provide unwanted and homeless animals a new lease on life with financial support for our shelter, the Franklin County Humane Society, through the sale of donated merchandise.
Volunteers are needed as the stores' success will rely on the dedication and compassion of its volunteers. The store is staffed completely by volunteers, and is open Fridays from 9 a.m. til 5 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. til 3 p.m. Volunteers needed to perform tasks such as cleaning, sorting, organizing, managing the retail floor, stage and display, facebook and Craigslist posts, caring for on-site adoption pets, and much more.
Anyone interested volunteering may contact newleashonlifefchs@gmail.com or call 502-352-2229
• Antiques – Collectibles
• Home Furnishings and household items
• Bedding/Linens – Blankets – Bedspreads – Quilts - Towels
• Furniture/Rugs – All upholstered furniture and rugs must be free of
obvious stains, holes, tears, threadbare areas, and/or odors.
All other furniture must be in working order, no missing or
broken parts, or significant damage. In good condition.
• Jewelry (costume or fine including broken pieces, broken watches
and single earrings)
• Clothing – “VINTAGE ONLY” including wedding dresses, tuxedos,
wigs, costumes, hats
• Accessories - Preferab
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