Schulte Hospitality Group

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2000 High Wickham Pl Ste 300
Louisville, KY 40245 LouisvilleRate and review
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Schulte Hospitalty Group is a professional hotel management and devleopment company managing hotels in several states and including great brands from Hilton hotels, Holiday Inn and more. we strive to offer quality service and products to guests while profitably managing the asset for the owners.

We strongly believe that all of our hotels must be active in their local communities. Our team members participate in various community projects and with charitable organizations, organized at both the property and corporate levels. At the corporate office, we support several organizations that help those in need in order to build a better community.

Saving energy is not just a cost-saving function at Schulte Hospitality Group; we believe that it is also our responsibility. As a company, we evaluate various methods to reduce energy consumption, and make a strong effort to use renewable and sustainable resources.

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