Wardlow Auctions Inc. can provide onsite as well as online, internet only auctions. Having this capability allows them to evaluate the property, buyer market, and logistical issues for each situation and recommend the auction method believed to be most effective for that particular situation.
Management and staff at Wardlow Auctions Inc. recognize that changes in lifestyles, technology, the marketplace, and the economy affect the way people do business. Therefore a business must adapt and change the way it operates if it is to properly and effectively serve its clients and customers. That is why Wardlow Auctions Inc. provides an informative and effective web site, uses Internet marketing and offers online bidding in conjunction with onsite bidding at real estate auctions.
In 2007, Wardlow Auctions Inc. began offering online-only Internet auctions of personal property and is currently one of the few auction companies in the Louisville area that regularly offers online-only Internet auctions of personal property.
In addition to its regular auction business, Wardlow Auctions Inc. actively supports numerous charity, school, health, religious and civic organizations by assisting them with the auction portion of their fund raising events. Since the year 2000 Wardlow Auctions has assisted over 150 different organizations, conducted over 500 benefit auctions, and helped to raise over $13.7 million for these organizations.