"The Life-Giving Sword"
The Louisville, Kentucky, Branch is the main school for Hontai Yoshin Ryu in the USA.
Head Instructor
Dr. Brian Barnes sensei
E-mail: logician@hyrusa.com • (502) 338-1338
Classes offered in:
Classical Japanese Jujutsu
Iaijutsu & Iaido (Methods of Japanese Swordsmanship)
Ukemi (falling & rolling)
Practical self-defense for adults and children
Classical & practical weapons training
Zazen (traditional Zen meditation)
Newaza (jujutsu ground techniques)
No experience necessary.
Adult classes: Sunday, 6:00-7:30 p.m. / Wednesday 8:30-10 p.m.
There is no enrollment fee. Your first month is free.
Adult classes are $50 per month for two weekly classes, beginning with the second month.
Students may begin training at 14 years old. There are no contracts, and there are no tournaments. If you are looking for an alternative to commercialized programs, drop by or give us a call.
Visit our location at 999 Brent St.
Behind Nitty Gritty/Lynn's Paradise Cafe
near the intersection of Barret Ave. & E. Kentucky St.
(entrance is in the alley behind Nitty Gritty, which runs between Highland Ave. & Kentucky St.)
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